Emergency Radio Station
This is the "radio room", actually in the mail & copier room.
Below the radio shelf is a fold-down desk shelf for the operator.
If needed, the mailing machine can be wheeled out of the way to make room.
Located just a few steps from the Nurses' Station, it is handy to the center of activity in any emergency.
The equipment is powered by the common building power which is equipped with an emergency generator.
Two antennas are on the roof: a dual-band VHF/UHF vertical and a Windom OCF Dipole for HF.
Our equipment is as follows:
This station is to be operated by licensed Ham Operators, to provide communications to outside agencies
in case of failure of all other methods.
Currently, we can reliably communicate with Kirksville, Trenton, Brookfield, and Chillicothe on VHF;
Marceline on UHF; and the Missouri Emergency Services Net on the 75 and 40 meter HF bands.
The station is presently setup to operate in voice mode only but will be equipped for digital modes as time and resources permit.